SALAME FELINO IGP Cav. Umberto Boschi - 850g-900g avg
SALAME FELINO IGP Cav. Umberto Boschi - 850g-900g avg
Cav. Umberto Boschi
In the difficult initial stage and at any time, he was constantly supported by his wonderful wife Rosa.
In 1922, with a small group of friends and trusted staff, he founded the Cav. Umberto Boschi.
The idea proved right and results were not long in arriving.
At 83, Umberto decided it was time to down tools, and passed the management of the company to his son Renzo. Today, almost one hundred years from its foundation, we have reached the fourth generation of the Boschi family that continues following the whose set of learnings handed down from generation to generation: passion for our work, respect of tradition, care for every detail.
The protected name of this typical product, “Salame Felino”, refers to a geographical area in the Province of Parma – just a few kilometres from the city itself – the village of Felino, where its historical origins lie. Salame Felino is a genuine expression of the culture of deli meat production that arose in a precise location and has kept its original form in substantially unchanged geographical conditions. The oldest depiction of a salami with the particular features of Salame Felino seems to be the one in the interior decoration of the Baptistery of Parma, in the frescoes dedicated to the months and the seasons. Nowadays, Salame Felino is protected by an association that was established with the primary objective of safeguarding its typicality and geographical designation. This product is Gluten free and made with 100% Italian meat.